Child Behavior Coaching for Parents & Educators

Boost your confidence with customized plans to curb unwanted behaviors

{ParentShip = PARENThood + partnerSHIP}

Because our common goal is to nurture resilient children.

You’ve listened to the podcasts. You’ve read ALL the first chapters of ALL the books. You’ve been down one or two (or seven) online rabbit holes. And venting to your friends over rosé or iced lattes only gets you so far….

Cue, me. I’m Laura, your friendly neighborhood child behavior coach, here to offer you real solutions in real time for your child’s very real behavior challenges

Together we’ll figure out why you’re seeing certain patterns of behavior, and with my personalized guidance you’ll come out the other side feeling empowered to change the things you can, and be more zen about the things you can’t.

You’re thinking “Zen Shmen, Laura. Have you met me and my kid?!” Nope. But I know you have it in you to hone your “firm-but-fair” voice while keeping your — and your child’s — dignity intact.

Shirley K. says:

“Laura helped me pinpoint the root of my toddler's behavior and gave me easy to implement strategies… for a more harmonious home.

Lia W. says:

“I feel empowered and more confident as a parent because of the tools and guidance she has provided me.”

Common Topics



While mostly unavoidable, you’ll understand why they happen and learn how to stop manage them.

Hitting / Biting

You’ll acquire specific language and techniques to eliminate this behavior - without shaming.

Sibling Rivalry

Best practices on how to handle the inevitable and take the opportunity to model conflict resolution.

Potty Learning

We’ll talk readiness, appropriate strategies (hint: no rewards) and what to do if they regress.


I’ll help you establish clear limits that make sense to you, so you can practice being firm and fair.


Let’s look at “time-outs”, threats, and punishments vs. logical and natural consequences that teach.


Eliminate power struggles and navigate picky eating so you can eat in peace and actually enjoy your food.

Sleep & Routines

Bedtime shenanigans and morning stress - we’ll outline effective strategies for a smoother routine.


Let’s do this. Together.